Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Defense May 9, 2011

I posted about my dinner after my defense day. And, I really love to share my defense day moment. My big day ahhahaha...After two years of struggle (not really actually).. I am free!

And I should face the working reality...pheeeee...I wish I have one more year to study..ahaha..I love being a student.

I would miss this student life. I am sure.

Before I face the reality, lets party till drop baby!!

Anyway, here are some of the pictures. Hope you enjoy!

I didn't prepare much for the clothes. It just a simple black blazer, a skinny black pants, an office shirt and a chocolate belt. I choose a simple shirt because I wanted to put my long hair down. So, the shirt supposed to be something simple so it won't made me look "heavy". Besides, my time was consumed for preparing the presentation. But it turned out to be simple, clean and confidence. I like it!

This is my Thesis Research title, sounds difficult :))

Me, was acting confidence, while actually I am nervous to death.. ^^b..Good Job Octa!

I like this cute definition about merger and acquisition.

With my supporter..Indonesian!

My cute Taiwanese friends!

The fuzzy guys! ahahha..^^

With the Vietnamese!

I am truly blessed right? surrounded by nice people...

" Congratulations Octa, you passed! But you should revise your thesis". Will do, Sir!

My friends who had the same defense day!

Congratulations to us. We are master now!!


  1. i love your look , it's according the situation !
    thank for your comment!
    kiss darlin !i follow you !
